my trip my english adventure in MALIOBORO


Malioboro Street is very famous for street vendors selling Jogja crafts and nightclubs that sell Jogja gudeg food and famous as a gathering place for artists who often express their ability such as playing music, painting, hapening art, pantomime, and others along this road.
Currently, Malioboro Street looks wider because the parking lot on the side of the road has been moved to the parking lot Abu Bakar Ali. Thus, for pedestrians to be more liberal because the sidewalk on Jalan Malioboro can be used completely.
Malioboro is a legendary shopping area that became one of the pride of the city of Yogyakarta. The naming of Malioboro comes from the name of a British colonial member who once occupied Jogja in 1811 - 1816 AD named Marlborough
The colonial Dutch East Indies built Malioboro in downtown Yogyakarta in the 19th century as a center of government and economic activity. Symbolically also intended to rival the power of the Palace of the splendor of his Palace that dominates the region.
Tourist activities in Malioboro not only during the day, but in Malioboro this tourism activity will continue with the nuances of dinner provided by the stalls that appear at night, especially after 21.00 pm. While eating a meal at Malioboro lesehan stall, tourists will be entertained by street musicians who visit the lesehan while playing certain songs.
Jalan Malioboro (English: Malioboro Street) is a major shopping street in Yogyakarta, Indonesia; the name is also used more generally for the neighborhood around the street. It lies north-south axis in the line between Yogyakarta Kraton and Mount Merapi. This is in itself is significant to many of the local population, the north–south orientation between the palace and the volcano being of importance.

The street is the centre of Yogyakarta's largest tourist district surrounded with many hotels, restaurants, and shops nearby. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are crowded with small stalls selling a variety of goods. In the evening several open-air street side restaurants, called lesehan, operate along the street. This is the street of the artists. Street musicians, painters, and other artists exhibit their creations on this road. Less obvious to the tourist, but more for the local population, side streets, lanes and structures that lead on to Malioboro are as important as the street itself.
Jalan Malioboro (ca.1900-40)
Jalan Malioboro at night

The street was for many years two-way, but by the 1980s had become one way only, from the railway line (where it starts) to the south - to Beringharjo markets, where it ends. The largest, oldest Dutch era hotel, Hotel Garuda, is located on the street's northern end, on the eastern side adjacent to the railway line. It has the former Dutch era Prime Minister's complex, the kepatihan, on the eastern side.
For many years in the 1980s and later, a cigarette advertisement was placed on the first building south of the railway line - or effectively the last building on Malioboro, which advertised Marlboro cigarettes, no doubt appealing to locals and foreigners who would see a pun with name of the street with a foreign product being advertised.
It does not reach the walls or grounds of the Yogyakarta palace, as Malioboro ceases in name adjacent to the very large market Beringharjo (on the eastern side as well). From this point the street changes name to Jalan Ahmad Yani (Ahmad Yani Street) and has the former Governors residence on the western side, and the old Dutch Fort Vredeburg on the eastern side.

Location maliboro: Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta City Deaerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Ticket price :
Malioboro area is a public place so that tourists are not charged, only charged vehicle expenses.
Me and my friends to malioboro on 6 May 2018 exploring malioboro atmosphere is very crowded and enjoy the street music in malioboro.
Let's see my video while exploring malioboro

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