grramar focus, nominal present perfect,verbal present perfect,past tense vs present perfect

Present perfect tense is a form of time to declare an event or action that has occurred or done in the past and is still in touch with the present. The past means the past, the events that took place a few minutes ago are also practically the past.
Bentuk Nominal
S + have/has + been
Ex :
She has been to Singapore once.
Dia sudah pernah ke Singapura sekali.

He has been sick since yesterday.
Dia sudah sakit sejak kemarin.

Ina has been tired.
Ina sudah lelah.

Bentuk Verbal
S + have/has + V III
Tia has lived in Bandung since 2010.
Tia sudah tinggal di Bandung sejak tahun 2010.

Ana has studied English since March.
Ana sudah belajar bahasa Inggris sejak bulan Maret.

He has worked in Jakarta since 2012.
Dia sudah bekerja di Jakarta sejak tahun 2012.

Siti has just slept.
Siti baru saja tidur.

Bentuk Nominal
S + have/has + not + been

Ina has not been tired.
Ina belum kelelahan.

She has not been sick since yesterday.
Dia belum sakit sejak kemarin.

They have not been here twice.
Dia belum di sini dua kali.

Bentuk Verbal
S + have/has + not + V III

He has not lived in Bandung since two years.
Dia belum tinggal di Bandung selama tahun.

He has not worked in Jakarta since three years.
Dia belum bekerja di Jakarta selama tiga tahun.

Karlina has not studied English since two years.
Karlina belum belajar bahasa Inggris selama dua tahun.

Present Perfect Tense Forms Sentence Question
Bentuk Nominal
Have/Has + S + been
Has Ina been tired?
Apakah Ina sudah kelelahan?

Has she been sick since yesterday?
Apakah dia sudah sakit sejak kemarin?

Have they been here twice.
Apakah mereka sudah pernah di sini dua kali?

Bentuk Verbal
Have/has + S + V III

Has he worked in here for two years?
Apakah dia sudah bekerja di sini selama dua tahun?

Has he just slept?
Apakah dia baru saja tidur?

Has Dion read this book?
Apakah Dion sudah membaca buku ini?

Present Perfect Tense Use Function
1. To declare events that occurred in the past and still in touch with the present.

Mr. Leon has been here since yesterday.
Tuan Leon telah berada di sini sejak kemarin.

2. To state the events that have occurred.
Liana has eaten.
Liana sudah makan.

3. To show an act of repetition at an indeterminate time.
Friska has eaten her breakfast already.
Friska sudah selesai makan sarapannya.

4. To show a completed event or deed within a short period of time.
Randy has just gone.
Randy baru saja pergi.

Tanda Waktu (Time Signal)
once = sekali
twice = dua kali
three times = tiga kali
several times = beberapa kali
many times = berkali-kali
at last = akhirnya
this week = minggu ini
this month = bulan ini
recently = baru-baru ini
lately = akhir-akhir ini
just = baru saja
since 1980 = sejak tahun 1980

    ( + ) You have played badminton. (Anda telah bermain bulutangkis)
    ( –  ) You have not played badminton.(Anda belum bermain bulutangkis)
    ( ? ) Have you played football? (Apakah anda telah bermain bulutangkis?)
( + ) She has studied English yesterday. (Dia telah belajar bahasa Inggris kemarin.)
    ( –  ) She has not studied English yesterday.(Dia belum belajar bahasa Inggris kemarin)
    ( ? ) Has she studied English yesterday? (Apakah dia telah belajar bahasa Inggris kemarin?)

   ( + ) Bambang has had his breakfast. (Bambang telah sarapan.)
    ( –  ) Bambang has not had his breakfast.(Bambang belum sarapan.)
    ( ? ) Has Bambang had his breakfast? (Apakah Bambang telah sarapan?)
  ( + ) You have washed my car. (Anda telah mencuci mobil saya.)
    ( –  ) You have not washed my car.(Anda belum mencuci mobil saya.)
    ( ? ) Have you washed my car? (Apakah anda telah mencuci mobil saya?)
 ( + ) They have cleaned the field. (Mereka telah membersihkan lapangan.)
    ( –  ) They have not cleaned the field. (Mereka belum membersihkan lapangan.)
    ( ? ) Have they cleaned the field? (Apakah mereka telah membersihkan lapangan?)
 ( + ) You have helped me. (Anda telah membantu saya.)
    ( –  ) You have not helped me. (Anda belum membantu saya.)
    ( ? ) Have you helped me? (Apakah anda telah membantu saya?)
    ( + ) Tristan has accepted your offer. (Tristan telah menerima penawaran anda.)
    ( –  ) Tristan has not accepted your offer. (Tristan belum menerima penawaran anda.)
    ( ? ) Has Tristan accepted your offer? (Apakah Tristan telah menerima penawaran anda?)


    ( + ) Ramon has been a teacher in this school. (Ramon telah menjadi guru di sekolah ini.)
    ( –  ) Ramon has not been a teacher in this school.(Ramon belum menjadi guru di sekolah ini.)
    ( ? ) Has Ramon been a teacher in this school? (Apakah Ramon telah menjadi guru di sekolah ini?)

   ( + ) I have been a pilot. (Saya telah menjadi pilot)
    ( –  ) I have not been a pilot.(Saya belum menjadi pilot.)
    ( ? ) Have I been a pilot? (Apakah saya telah menjadi pilot?)

    ( + ) Adi has been a mechanic in the workshop for 2 years. (Adi telah menjadi mekanik di bengkel selama 2 tahun.)
    ( –  ) Adi has not been a mechanic in the workshop for 2 years.(Adi belum menjadi mekanik di bengkel selama 2 tahun.)
    ( ? ) Has Adi been a mechanic in the workshop for 2 years? (Apakah Adi telah menjadi mekanik di bengkel selama 2 tahun?)

Present perfect                Simple past
I have lived in Lyon.                        I lived in Lyon in 1989.
They have eaten Thai food.         They ate Thai food last night.
Have you seen 'Othello'?             Where did you see 'Othello'?
We have been to Ireland.            When did you go to Ireland?


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