grammar focus,present progressive tense,stative vs dynamic verb,present progressive verb for future meaning,nominal future tense,verbal future tense
Present Progressive tense
Present Continuous Tense
continuous tense atau present progressive tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang (present) atau
rencana di masa depan (future).
dapat digunakan pada present atau future, tense ini sering diiringi adverb of
time untuk memperjelasnya.
Rumus Present Continuous Tense
continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “be”, berupa is/am/are – karena
present tense (waktu sekarang), dan
present participle (V1-ing). Umumnya tense ini hanya terjadi pada aksi berupa
dynamic verb, tidak stative verb. Mengapa begitu? karena secara umum hanya
dynamic verb yang memiliki bentuk continuous.
Present Continuous Tense Contoh
Present Continuous Tense
positif (+)
S +
be (am/is/are) + present participle
The ships are sailing
is smiling
negatif (-)
S +
be (am/is/are) + not + present participle
The ships are not sailing
is not smiling
interogatif (?)
(am/is/are) + S + present participle?
are the ships sailing
he smiling
Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Present Continuous Tense
Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu
aksi yang sedang terjadi sekarang.
Ex :
She is brushing the bathroom floor.
sedang menyikat lantai kamar mandi.)
driving a car to Bandung now.
sedang mengendarai mobil ke Bandung sekarang.)
learning English in order to be a great guide.
sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris agar menjadi pemandu wisata yang hebat.)
Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu
rencana atau perpindahan ke suatu tempat/kondisi. I’m spending my holiday on Kuta beach next month.
sedang menghabiskan liburan di pantai Kuta akhir bulan depan.)
can’t call me this night. I’m going to my best friend’s wedding.
tidak dapat menghubungi saya malam ini. Saya akan pergi ke pernikahan sahabat
buses are arriving in an hour.
tersebut tiba dalam satu jam.)
moving to West Jakarta this month.
pindah ke Jakarta Barat bulan ini.)
Present continuous tense untuk mengungkapkan
kejengkelan atas aksi yang terjadi berulang kali. Why is the wild dog always barking at me?
anjing liar itu selalu menggonggong pada saya?)
getting sick of you always asking the same questions.
mulai muak dengan kamu yang selalu menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama.)
Dynamic Verbs and Stative Verbs
Examples and Exercises
Firstly, what do the words "dynamic"
and "stative" mean?
They aren't very common words in everyday
English, but they are grammar terms you will need to know to understand this
"Dynamic" is an adjective
which means something is moving or changing.
In English grammar a "dynamic
verb" means that the verb describes an action rather than a state. Dynamic
verbs are sometimes known as "action verbs."
"Joe is chasing the bus."
Examples of
dynamic verbs:
These words can all be used in the
progressive form.
sentences with dynamic verbs:
"I can't talk right now, I'm eating dinner."
Present progressive used to describe an action happening now.
"Sorry, I'm out of breath because I've been running."
Present perfect progressive used to describe an action that started in
the past, continued for some time and has results now.
"I didn't steal the necklace! I was sleeping when someone broke
into the shop!"
Past progressive used to talk about an action that was happening at a
particular time in the past.
Here is a list of some of the stative
verbs. Some of these describe relationships between things or people (for
example, own) and some describe emotions or states of mind.
"Stative" is an adjective
which describes something as having a state, or existing (this is a very
uncommon adjective).
In English grammar a "stative
verb" means that the verb describes a state rather than an action.
Stative verbs are sometimes known as
"state verbs."
"Kevin wants some ice-cream."
Examples of
stative verbs:
Here are some examples, showing that
these words cannot be used in the progressive form.
Correct: "I like chocolate, but I
prefer cake."
Incorrect: "I'm liking chocolate
but I'm preferring cake."
Correct: "I don't understand you
when you speak quickly."
Incorrect: "I'm not understanding
you when you speak quickly."
There are also some verbs that can be
either dynamic or stative, depending on their meaning and context in the
sentence. I'm sure you know by now that there are many words in English that
can have more than one meaning!
examples of
verbs that can be either dynamic or stative:
think, mind,have,smell, sound
Let's look at some examples of how these
verbs are used differently.
"I think it is wrong to hit children."
Here, think is a stative verb. It means "to have an opinion"
and it cannot be used in the progressive form in this case.
"I'm thinking about buying a new car."
Here, thinking is describing a process, or an action. This is something
that is happening, rather than simply being. So here we can use the progressive
"I don't mind if we watch a movie tonight."
Here, mind means "be bothered by", which is a state of mind,
not an action. Therefore, it is stative.
"I'm not being nosy. I'm minding my own business!"
Here, minding means "looking after" and is therefore a process
and a dynamic verb.
"I have three brothers."
Have here talks about the family relationship the speaker has with her
brothers and is therefore stative.
"I'm having a bad day today. I'll call you when things are
Having in this sentence means the speaker is going through the process
of a bad day. It is therefore dynamic.
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